Maple Sugar
If you’re into Maple products, you’ve come to the right place. Flackville Farms produces and supplies our customers with the best maple products in the market to ensure their health and satisfaction. We are NYS grown and certified maple producers.

Maple Syrup.
If you’re into locally produced Maple Syrup, you’ve come to the right place. Flackville Farms produces NYS Grown and Certified Maple products.

Maple Molded Sugar
Flackville Farms has your sweet tooth covered with our maple leafs.

Maple Coffee
We carry a special coffee that is produced by the Paul Delima Coffe company in Syracuse, NY. It is exclusively sold by NYS Maple Producers.

We have small cluster of behives on our farm to help with pollination of our garden and apple tree. We sell the delicious honey that we harvest throughout the summer.

Small family operates farm.
A Little More Info
At Flackville Farms we wanted to make a bussiness out a hobby. It all started with a few buckets and now we are approaching 400 taps during maple season. The same goes for our produce. It all started with a simple garden and we are hoping to soon expand to growing in a high tunnel. Because of our produce garden and small apple orchard we ventured into bee keeping. And lets be honest no farm is complete with out chickens so now we sell their eggs. Since our establishment back in 2017 we’ve gone through various changes but have continued to grow our farm to support our customers needs.

Vendor of the Year
January 25, 2025